Tutor Con 2025Theme: Tutors Too Friday February 28, 2025 Virtual |
Call For Proposals: Tutors are constantly inhabiting complex, liminal spaces as they address their own needs and writers’ needs, negotiate instructor expectations, and follow the direction of administrators. As such, listening to the voices of tutors from a variety of academic, cultural, and personal backgrounds and identities matters. We want to explore how tutors navigate these shifting responsibilities and shape their writing centers by amplifying their stories and voices. For TutorCon 2025, we invite you to share tutor perspectives that may sometimes get lost in the many moving pieces of writing center work.
We hope the questions below will provide a starting point, but not limit, your thinking:
Creativity in conceptualizing, planning, and delivery is welcome. We encourage you to share your works-in-process or works in development, in a creative form or in terms of one or more of these categories.
Individual presentations (25-minute synchronous presentation and Q&A, or asynchronous recording)
Presenters can share an argument, inquiry, narrative, or research project for 15-20 minutes. (Work in progress is encouraged!) Synchronous presentations will be followed by 5-10 minutes for audience members to ask questions.
Conference workshops (50-minute or less synchronous presentation and Q&A)
One or more facilitators lead conference attendees in an interactive session that usually involves conversation, writing, breakout groups, and/or other activities.
Workshop-in-a-Box or Training-in-a-Box (50-minute or less synchronous presentation and Q&A, or asynchronous recording)
Facilitators lead participants through a student-facing workshop or tutor training their Writing Center offers on their own campus and then provide the resources for attendees to adapt the same workshop/training for their own contexts.
Roundtable discussions (50-minute or less synchronous discussions)
Facilitators share brief context (10 minutes) about a problem and a set of questions they hope to explore with participants during the roundtable. They then facilitate a discussion and offer a brief recap at the end.
Tutoring Approaches Exchange (10-minute synchronous presentations)
Presenters share a specific strategy, practice, process, tool, or idea that they use in their writing center consultations to introduce conference attendees to a successful approach to tutoring. Submissions will be combined with 2-3 other submissions into a panel with shared Q&A.
The conference will be held online on February 28th, 2025. Participants can present synchronously or asynchronously.
Submit your proposal using this Google form. For more information, check out the proposal guidance page.
Proposals will be accepted through January 21st, 2025.
Proposal responses will be sent out by February 7th, 2025.