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RMWCA Bylaws


I. Name

Rocky Mountain Writing Centers Association (RMWCA)

II. Mission Statement

The Rocky Mountain Writing Centers Association provides support, encourages scholarship, and promotes community among writing center and learning center professionals working in educational settings. As an affiliate of the International Writing Centers Association (IWCA), our primary commitment is to serve writing tutoring programs in the Intermountain West of the United States, while inviting participation from colleagues nationally and internationally. We define writing centers broadly, acknowledging the intersections of writing, reading, and academic support in the various institutional settings in which this work occurs. The organization is organized exclusively for educational purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

III. Membership

Association membership will include directors, staff, tutors, and those associated with writing tutoring programs at institutions within all or parts of the states of Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming. Voting members include those who pay individual membership dues and members whose programs pay institutional dues.

IV. Officers

Executive Board

i. President

ii. Vice President/President-elect

iii. Past-president

iv. Secretary

v. Treasurer

vi. Associate Treasurer/Treasurer-elect

vii. Outreach Coordinator

viii. Online Communications Coordinator

ix. IWCA Affiliate Representative

x. Tutor Representative

xi. State Representatives for Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Colorado, Montana, and Wyoming


I. Terms of Office

The terms of office for Executive Board members are:

  • President:  2 years

  • Vice President/President-elect: 2 years

  • Past President: 1 year (simultaneous with the President’s first year)

  • Secretary: 2 years 

  • Treasurer: 3 years

  • Associate Treasurer/Treasurer-elect: 1 year (simultaneous with the Treasurer’s final year)

  • Outreach Coordinator: 2 years 

  • Online Communications Coordinator: 3 years

  • IWCA Affiliate Representative: 2 years

  • Tutor Representative: 1 year 

  • State Representatives: 2 years

II. Election/Nomination process

Candidates will self-nominate or be nominated online one month preceding the election, and an online election will be open for two weeks. Transition of terms of office will begin immediately following the election. If there is no current Vice President/President-elect, the President may run for re-election. All other officers may run for re-election. The Associate Treasurer will be elected one year prior to the end of the Treasurer’s term. The Executive Board may appoint officers subject to later election when vacancies occur and provide extension of terms of office on an emergency basis.

III. Duties/Responsibilities of Officers

Executive Board

a. All Executive Board Members

i. Regularly attend RMWCA Executive Board meetings.

ii. When possible, attend the RMWCA conference and participate in regular events online.

iii. Serve on committees and complete/oversee projects as requested.

iv. Vote on association issues.

v.  Facilitate a transition when term of office ends.

vi. Remove an officer when appropriate (lack of confidence vote or otherwise) by majority vote of the Executive Board.

b. President

i. Officially represent and express the viewpoints of the association.

ii. Call, schedule, and conduct general meetings and all Executive Board meetings.

iii. Call special meetings as necessary.

iv. Appoint all committees with approval of the Executive Board.

v. Represent RMWCA at writing conferences and meetings when possible.

vi. Work with Outreach Coordinator to recruit RMWCA conference hosts.

vii. Coordinate with Treasure and Associate Treasurer to develop an annual budget proposal for adoption by the Executive Board.

c. Vice President/President-elect

i. Assume the duties of the President in the President’s absence.

ii. Undertake responsibilities as delegated by the President.

iii. Run elections in collaboration with the Outreach Coordinator.

iv. Maintain membership records.

v. In collaboration with other Executive Board members, maintain the RMWCA Desk Manual that outlines organization functions and the execution of specific officer duties and tasks.

d. Past-president

i. Advise the President and assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and Vice President/President Elect.

ii. Communicate business and issues carrying over to the new President's term from the Past-president's.

e. Secretary

i. Take minutes of Executive Board meetings and archive approved minutes for all official business. Approved minutes should also be posted on the RMWCA website.

ii. Keep a contact list of Executive Board members.

f. Treasurer

i. Hold and disburse funds on the order of the Executive Board including, but not exclusive to grants, seed money, and other financial aid opportunities.

ii. Receive conference proceeds and maintain financial records.

iii. Submit an annual financial report to the membership.

iv. File annual tax return with IRS.

v. Maintain 501(c)(3) status with the IRS and advise the Executive Board about compliance with 501(c)(3) regulations and maintain non-profit corporation registration in one of the region’s states.

g. Associate Treasurer/Treasurer-elect

i. Learn the financial operations and procedures of the organization.

ii. Assist Treasurer in administering financial operations and assume the duties of the Treasurer in the Treasurer’s absence.

g. Outreach Coordinator

i. In consultation with State Representatives and the Secretary, maintain a directory of Writing Centers within the RMWCA region.

ii. Work with the President to recruit RMWCA conference hosts.

iii. Issue a call for nominations and develop a slate of nominees for board positions and state representatives.

iv. Run elections in collaboration with the President-elect.

h. Online Communications Coordinator

i. Update the RMWCA website on a regular basis.

ii. Ensure domain name fee is paid.

iii. Maintain and coordinate communication on social media accounts.

i. IWCA Affiliate Representative

i. Represent the interests of RMWCA members and serve as a liaison between the IWCA executive board and the region. 

ii. Fulfills roles and responsibilities of an IWCA board member.

j. Tutor Representative

i. Represent the needs and interests of tutors.

k. State Representatives

i. Represent the needs and interests of writing and learning centers in their state.

ii. Consult with writing and learning center administrators in their state and/or sub-region to plan local events.

iii. Develop state contact lists and provide updated contact information to the Outreach Coordinator.

IV. Quorum and Voting

Passage of a motion or resolution shall require a quorum of the Executive Board. A quorum shall be defined as 50% plus one of the filled Executive Board positions.

V. Dues/Finances

Dues will be determined by the Executive Board. Dues and funds will be used for supporting conferences, events, communication, grants and other projects as determined by the Executive Board. All dues will be used in compliance with the IRS’s regulations for 501(c)(3) organizations.

VI. Dissolution

a. Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed to one or more exempt purposes named in Article VI, section b within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

b. In the event that this organization is dissolved, any remaining funds will be donated to the International Writing Center Association, a 501(c)(3) organization.

VII. Change in Bylaws

Changes in these bylaws shall be proposed to the general membership by the Executive Board. Any changes to the bylaws shall be voted upon online by the membership at large.

VIII. Conference Guidelines

In accordance with IWCA requirements, RMWCA will host a self-sustaining conference on a regular basis to be determined by the Executive Board. Registration costs should be kept at a minimum so that as many members as possible can participate. Conferences will remain tutor-centered (by, for, and of the tutors) with an opportunity for administrators to meet and to present ideas. The conference will be open to any and all participants.

IX. Authority

The association’s Executive Board has authority over association business and not over individual centers and programs.

X. IWCA Membership

Membership in IWCA is encouraged for all RMWCA members and required for elected officers.

Amended March 2023

Denver, CO

Amended October 2017

Missoula, MT

Amended September 2016

Missoula, MT

Amended March 2012

Logan, UT

Amended February 2009

Cedar City, UT

Amended April 2008

Boise, ID

Amended March 2006

Provo, UT

Adopted 2003

Salt Lake City, Utah

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