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President's Message

Tue, June 19, 2018 3:42 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Dear Colleagues:

We write on the heels of a productive conference season and during a time of transition for RMWCA. We hope you’re enjoying the turn toward spring and the renewal this turn promises.

For the RMWCA, this spring and summer mark exciting changes on the horizon. In an effort to focus on the value RMWCA can bring to you, we’ve been building a new website that will serve as a gathering ground for our information sharing, resources, and tutor interaction. We’ve launched our first webinar this spring, which was impressively successful, and we’re planning for more. Our peers at the University of Utah and our Colorado/Wyoming colleagues hosted two excellent conferences. We are an active region!

To help us maintain this momentum and build toward more robust benefits for our members, this July we will implement our new and affordable tiered dues structure. The membership dues will allow for both individual and writing center memberships, ensuring our organization remains affordable and accessible. We are very excited about the membership benefits these dues will help to fund, including travel grants and RMWCA Tutor Conference registration discounts. Please watch for further communications as we begin collecting dues this summer.

Finally, we write to announce one more coming change: a transition of leadership. Kelly Webster’s time as RMWCA President will come to a close as she transitions to a new leadership role at the University of Montana. Our great fortune is that Clint Gardner will take the helm. We are confident Clint will help us realize the benefits of our recent efforts. Clint is the right leader at the right time, especially as we aim to develop new opportunities for membership engagement. We’re on our way.

Please don’t forget to share your good news, questions, and announcements on our list serve . Happy Spring, everyone!

Kelly Webster, President

Clint Gardner, President-Elect

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